Neobazy - Admin
Nie jesteś zalogowany [ Login ]
Zend Framework 2 2.4.9
Documentation Modules Gallery Version 2.4.9 PHP Version Extensions intl ModulesZfcBaseZfcUserZfcAdminNeocraftBaseApplicationNeocraftAdministrationNeocraftCmsNeocraftAccountsZendDeveloperToolsBjyProfilerNeocraftDfmNeocraftItpNeocraftExportNeocraftOrderNeocraftMailingNeocraftMailClientQuPHPMailerNeocraftOfficeNeocraftCalendarNeocraftCrmNeocraftSales
Request and Response 200 Admin::login on zfcadmin/user/login
Status code 200 Method GET Controller NeocraftBase\Controller\Admin Action login Route zfcadmin/user/login Template layout/admin

  content: string

Template neocraft-base/admin/login

  loginForm: ZfcUser\Form\Login
  redirect: NULL

Execution Time 22.58 ms
Total Time 22.58 ms
Memory Peak 2.00 Mb
Memory Peak 2.00 Mb
Config Config
Merged Config (Config)
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      ["zfcuser"] => string(48) "ZfcUser\Factory\Controller\UserControllerFactory"
    ["invokables"] => array(21) {
      ["ZfcAdmin\Controller\AdminController"] => string(35) "ZfcAdmin\Controller\AdminController"
      ["NeocraftBase\Controller\AccessDenied"] => string(46) "NeocraftBase\Controller\AccessDeniedController"
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      ["Application\Controller\CliCampaign"] => string(44) "Application\Controller\CliCampaignController"
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      ["ZfcUser\Authentication\Storage\Db"] => string(33) "ZfcUser\Authentication\Storage\Db"
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              ["invokables"] => array(21) {
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                  ["law"] => string(185) "Na podstawie art. 476 Kodeksu cywilnego (Dz. U. z 1964 r. Nr 16, poz. 93, z późn. zmianami) wzywamy do natychmiastowego uregulowania należnej sumy, zgodnie z poniższym zestawieniem."
                  ["bank_address_cut1"] => string(62) "Wymienioną sumę prosimy przekazać na nasz rachunek bankowy
                  ["bank_address_cut3"] => string(56) " w ciągu 7 dni od daty otrzymania niniejszego wezwania."
                  ["booster_1"] => string(219) "W przypadku nieuregulowania wyżej wymienionych należności w wyznaczonym terminie, sprawa zostanie skierowana na drogę postępowania sądowego. Dodatkowo, nastąpi dopisanie dłużnika do Krajowego Rejestru Długów."
                  ["booster_2"] => string(436) "Informacje o nieuregulowanych zobowiązaniach, zgodnie z Ustawą o udostępnianiu informacji gospodarczych i wymianie danych gospodarczych  z dnia 9 kwietnia 2010 r. (Dz.U. Nr 81, poz. 530), będą przekazywane do:Krajowego Rejestru Długów Biura Informacji Gospodarczej SA ul. Armii Ludowej 21, 51-214 Wrocław o zadłużeniu upubliczniona będzie w KRD do dnia zapłaty lub do 10 lat od daty dokonania wpisu."
                  ["footer"] => string(752) "Umieszczenie informacji o Państwa zobowiązaniach w Krajowym Rejestrze Długów skutkuje ograniczeniem możliwości swobodnego funkcjonowania na rynku konsumenckim lub prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej, nawet do 10 lat. Dłużnicy notowani w KRD napotykają na znaczne utrudnienia w korzystaniu z usług finansowych (kredyty, zakupy ratalne, leasing), telekomunikacyjnych (możliwość kupna telefonu w abonamencie), multimedialnych (telewizja kablowa, szerokopasmowy dostęp do Internetu), wynajmu lokali (mieszkania, biura, magazyny) itp. Banki, firmy leasingowe i pośrednictwa ratalnego, operatorzy telefoniczni, telewizje kablowe i wiele innych firm mogą w takim przypadku odmówić współpracy albo zaoferować ją na gorszych warunkach."
                  ["footer_2"] => string(130) "*Podstawa zobowiązania: Faktura VAT, Rachunek, Umowa, Nota odsetkowa, Nota księgowa,  Weksel, Uznanie długu, Ugoda, Kara umowna"
                ["en"] => array(7) {
                  ["law"] => string(185) "Na podstawie art. 476 Kodeksu cywilnego (Dz. U. z 1964 r. Nr 16, poz. 93, z późn. zmianami) wzywamy do natychmiastowego uregulowania należnej sumy, zgodnie z poniższym zestawieniem."
                  ["bank_address_cut1"] => string(62) "Wymienioną sumę prosimy przekazać na nasz rachunek bankowy
                  ["bank_address_cut3"] => string(56) " w ciągu 7 dni od daty otrzymania niniejszego wezwania."
                  ["booster_1"] => string(219) "W przypadku nieuregulowania wyżej wymienionych należności w wyznaczonym terminie, sprawa zostanie skierowana na drogę postępowania sądowego. Dodatkowo, nastąpi dopisanie dłużnika do Krajowego Rejestru Długów."
                  ["booster_2"] => string(436) "Informacje o nieuregulowanych zobowiązaniach, zgodnie z Ustawą o udostępnianiu informacji gospodarczych i wymianie danych gospodarczych  z dnia 9 kwietnia 2010 r. (Dz.U. Nr 81, poz. 530), będą przekazywane do:Krajowego Rejestru Długów Biura Informacji Gospodarczej SA ul. Armii Ludowej 21, 51-214 Wrocław o zadłużeniu upubliczniona będzie w KRD do dnia zapłaty lub do 10 lat od daty dokonania wpisu."
                  ["footer"] => string(752) "Umieszczenie informacji o Państwa zobowiązaniach w Krajowym Rejestrze Długów skutkuje ograniczeniem możliwości swobodnego funkcjonowania na rynku konsumenckim lub prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej, nawet do 10 lat. Dłużnicy notowani w KRD napotykają na znaczne utrudnienia w korzystaniu z usług finansowych (kredyty, zakupy ratalne, leasing), telekomunikacyjnych (możliwość kupna telefonu w abonamencie), multimedialnych (telewizja kablowa, szerokopasmowy dostęp do Internetu), wynajmu lokali (mieszkania, biura, magazyny) itp. Banki, firmy leasingowe i pośrednictwa ratalnego, operatorzy telefoniczni, telewizje kablowe i wiele innych firm mogą w takim przypadku odmówić współpracy albo zaoferować ją na gorszych warunkach."
                  ["footer_2"] => string(130) "*Podstawa zobowiązania: Faktura VAT, Rachunek, Umowa, Nota odsetkowa, Nota księgowa,  Weksel, Uznanie długu, Ugoda, Kara umowna"
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                  ["GBP"] => string(2) "£"
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                ["EN"] => string(9) "angielska"
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              ["stopped_export_settings"] => array(2) {
                ["notification_email"] => array(2) {
                  [0] => string(27) ""
                  [1] => string(23) ""
                ["time_interval"] => int(30)
              ["export_execution_tries_number"] => int(3)
              ["export_failed_sleep_time"] => int(1)
              ["export_method"] => array(3) {
                ["use_tmp_file"] => bool(true)
                ["tmp_file_dir"] => string(23) "/home/users/export-tmp/"
                ["keep_tmp_files"] => bool(true)
              ["export_update_date_condition_mode"] => int(1)
              ["ftp_user_salt"] => string(16) "4ApDXMDL7AD2chkm"
              ["import"] => array(2) {
                ["file_path"] => string(63) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/data/import-exported"
                ["clear_invalid_files"] => bool(false)
              ["api_export"] => array(9) {
                ["user_salt"] => string(16) "MuKl9EpEvmDBdZ2Z"
                ["test_user"] => string(7) "neotest"
                ["export_limit"] => int(5)
                ["release_limit"] => int(5)
                ["max_request_array_size"] => int(100)
                ["error_time_interval"] => int(30)
                ["attemps"] => array(2) {
                  ["export"] => array(2) {
                    ["max"] => int(5)
                    ["next_predictor"] => int(5)
                  ["release"] => array(2) {
                    ["max"] => int(5)
                    ["next_predictor"] => int(5)
                ["curl_timeout"] => int(5)
                ["validate_record"] => array(3) {
                  ["primary_columns"] => array(7) {
                    [0] => string(9) "firstname"
                    [1] => string(8) "lastname"
                    [2] => string(6) "street"
                    [3] => string(11) "building_no"
                    [4] => string(12) "apartment_no"
                    [5] => string(6) "postal"
                    [6] => string(4) "town"
                  ["nullable_primary_columns"] => array(2) {
                    [0] => string(6) "street"
                    [1] => string(12) "apartment_no"
                  ["optional_columns"] => array(3) {
                    [0] => string(5) "email"
                    [1] => string(9) "mobile_no"
                    [2] => string(9) "birthdate"
              ["drop_exported"] => array(4) {
                ["max_file_size"] => string(5) "100MB"
                ["upload_path"] => string(72) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/drop-exported/"
                ["max_invalid_msgs"] => int(100)
                ["column_names"] => array(4) {
                  [0] => string(20) "id_exp_personal_data"
                  [1] => string(5) "email"
                  [2] => string(9) "mobile_no"
                  [3] => string(9) "export_id"
              ["client_data"] => array(7) {
                ["global_crm_customer_id"] => int(3802)
                ["max_file_size"] => string(5) "100MB"
                ["upload_path"] => string(70) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/client-data/"
                ["max_invalid_msgs"] => int(100)
                ["column_names"] => array(15) {
                  [0] => string(11) "external_id"
                  [1] => string(4) "name"
                  [2] => string(7) "surname"
                  [3] => string(6) "gender"
                  [4] => string(6) "street"
                  [5] => string(11) "building_no"
                  [6] => string(12) "apartment_no"
                  [7] => string(4) "town"
                  [8] => string(6) "postal"
                  [9] => string(8) "postal_n"
                  [10] => string(5) "email"
                  [11] => string(9) "email_md5"
                  [12] => string(9) "mobile_no"
                  [13] => string(10) "mobile_md5"
                  [14] => string(8) "birthday"
                ["validation_patterns"] => array(15) {
                  ["external_id"] => string(0) ""
                  ["name"] => string(50) "/[a-zA-ZĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻąćęłńóśźż]{3,}/"
                  ["surname"] => string(53) "/[a-zA-ZżŻźŹćĆńŃąĄśŚłŁęĘóÓ\s-]{3,}/"
                  ["gender"] => string(9) "/^[M,F]$/"
                  ["street"] => string(58) "/[\wZĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻŁąćęłńóśźżł\d\s-\.]{3,}/"
                  ["building_no"] => string(0) ""
                  ["apartment_no"] => string(0) ""
                  ["town"] => string(20) "/[\pL_\s-'’]{3,}/u"
                  ["postal"] => string(19) "/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}/"
                  ["postal_n"] => string(10) "/[0-9]{5}/"
                  ["email"] => string(42) "/^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/"
                  ["email_md5"] => string(0) ""
                  ["mobile_no"] => string(12) "/^[0-9]{9}$/"
                  ["mobile_md5"] => string(0) ""
                  ["birthday"] => string(55) "/^[0-9]{4}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$/"
                ["required_columns"] => array(0) {
              ["export_type"] => array(3) {
                ["Z"] => string(5) "Zimne"
                ["L"] => string(5) "Leady"
                ["LD"] => string(20) "Leady - dopełnienie"
              ["reminder"] => array(2) {
                ["sending_days"] => array(3) {
                  [0] => int(0)
                  [1] => int(7)
                  [2] => int(21)
                ["getFromDaysAgo"] => int(1)
              ["export_range"] => array(2) {
                ["constrain_export_id"] => bool(true)
                ["constrain_record_id"] => bool(true)
              ["gen-cost"] => array(2) {
                ["age_type"] => array(3) {
                  [0] => string(10) "Przedział"
                  [1] => string(5) "Pusty"
                  [2] => string(7) "Dowolny"
                ["settling_type"] => array(2) {
                  [0] => string(16) "cena jednostkowa"
                  [1] => string(16) "koszt całkowity"
              ["data-validation-collation"] => string(16) "utf8_neocraft_ci"
              ["voximplant-api"] => array(4) {
                ["url"] => string(56) ""
                ["params"] => array(2) {
                  ["account_id"] => string(7) "3573615"
                  ["api_key"] => string(36) "e2c2fa4c-ac66-42bf-bdbf-70180dff20b6"
                ["upload_path"] => string(69) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/voximplant/"
                ["column_names"] => array(11) {
                  ["tel_no"] => string(14) "Numer telefonu"
                  ["val_s1"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 1"
                  ["val_s2"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 2"
                  ["val_s3"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 3"
                  ["val_s4"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 4"
                  ["val_s5"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 5"
                  ["val_n1"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 1"
                  ["val_n2"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 2"
                  ["val_n3"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 3"
                  ["val_n4"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 4"
                  ["val_n5"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 5"
              ["stats"] => array(2) {
                ["default_lead_n_month_filter_value"] => int(3)
                ["historical_database_start_date"] => string(10) "2022-04-15"
              ["data-validation"] => array(1) {
                ["hidden-hours"] => int(2)
              ["canal-exlusions-mandatory-labels"] => array(2) {
                [0] => string(26) "WYK-KAN: Liczba eksportów"
                [1] => string(40) "WYK-KAN: Wyklucz wyeksportowane w kanale"
              ["tracking_validation"] => array(4) {
                ["hlr_reprocess_time"] => int(365)
                ["max_validate_tries"] => int(3)
                ["max_update_tries"] => int(3)
                ["validation"] => array(1) {
                  ["valid_tel_kom"] => array(2) {
                    ["function"] => string(14) "checkHlrStatus"
                    ["field"] => string(7) "tel_kom"
              ["variantsFields"] => array(2) {
                ["name"] => array(5) {
                  ["variantField"] => string(15) "pd_name_variant"
                  ["originalField"] => string(7) "pd_name"
                  ["tableName"] => string(19) "br_pd_name_variants"
                  ["tableClass"] => string(38) "NeocraftExport\Model\NameVariantsTable"
                  ["form"] => string(45) "NeocraftExport\Form\DataValidationVariantForm"
                ["surname"] => array(5) {
                  ["variantField"] => string(15) "surname_variant"
                  ["originalField"] => string(7) "surname"
                  ["tableName"] => string(22) "br_pd_surname_variants"
                  ["tableClass"] => string(41) "NeocraftExport\Model\SurnameVariantsTable"
                  ["form"] => string(52) "NeocraftExport\Form\DataValidationSurnameVariantForm"
              ["clientDataTypes"] => array(4) {
                [1] => string(11) "Wzbogacanie"
                [2] => string(12) "Deduplikacja"
                [3] => string(26) "Oznaczanie zaakceptowanych"
                [4] => string(22) "Oznaczanie odrzuconych"
              ["unregisteredFilePrefix"] => string(3) "unr"
              ["unregisteredDirectoryName"] => string(12) "unregistered"
              ["unregisteredExcludedClients"] => array(1) {
                [0] => string(15) "TAR_7108_01_EXP"
              ["smsapi_reprocess_files"] => array(3) {
                ["max_file_size"] => string(5) "100MB"
                ["upload_path"] => string(71) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/data/smsapi-reprocess-files/"
                ["mobile_no_validation_pattern"] => string(19) "/^[45678][0-9]{8}$/"
              ["smsapi_import_files"] => array(3) {
                ["max_file_size"] => string(5) "100MB"
                ["upload_path"] => string(68) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/data/smsapi-import-files/"
                ["mobile_no_validation_pattern"] => string(19) "/^[45678][0-9]{8}$/"
            ["neobazy"] => array(4) {
              ["integration"] => array(15) {
                ["remote-zawody-host"] => string(12) ""
                ["remote-zawody-ssh-port"] => int(40022)
                ["remote-zawody-login"] => string(8) "neocraft"
                ["remote-zawody-passwd"] => string(8) "rT26YdSe"
                ["remote-zawody-pubkey-file"] => string(0) ""
                ["remote-zawody-privkey-file"] => string(0) ""
                ["remote-zawody-mysql-path"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
                ["remote-zawody-db-database"] => string(6) "zawody"
                ["remote-zawody-db-user"] => string(6) "zawody"
                ["remote-zawody-db-passwd"] => string(12) "CrFJ6S2SP4aZ"
                ["remote-zawody-db-record-table"] => string(30) "pd_export_record_n82preinstall"
                ["local-tmp"] => string(30) "/home/html/neobazy82/data/tmp/"
                ["remote-zawody-tmp"] => string(26) "/var/neocraft/integration/"
                ["remote-zawody-tmp-ftp"] => string(26) "/var/neocraft/integration/"
                ["error-alert-email"] => array(4) {
                  [0] => string(27) ""
                  [1] => string(27) ""
                  [2] => string(24) ""
                  [3] => string(23) ""
              ["smsapi"] => array(2) {
                ["username"] => string(7) "Neobazy"
                ["password"] => string(32) "ddefc29e8d2b0a3c80e0ae716193b491"
              ["wrong-emails"] => array(1) {
                ["import-csv-time-limit"] => int(3600)
              ["remote-zawody-db"] => array(4) {
                ["hostname"] => string(12) ""
                ["database"] => string(6) "zawody"
                ["username"] => string(12) "neobazynossl"
                ["password"] => string(10) "uvM9w7x273"
            ["client-integration"] => array(70) {
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              ["save-itegration-input-data"] => bool(false)
              ["FLife"] => array(2) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(13) "AXC_13291_API"
                ["webservice"] => array(2) {
                  ["url"] => string(64) ""
                  ["method"] => string(10) "CreateLead"
              ["SmaApi"] => array(7) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(9) "SMA_13802"
                ["url"] => string(53) ""
                ["save-itegration-input-data"] => bool(false)
                ["cols"] => array(14) {
                  ["imie"] => string(4) "imie"
                  ["nazwisko"] => string(4) "name"
                  ["numer_telefonu"] => string(17) "telefon_komorkowy"
                  ["data_urodzenia"] => string(14) "data_urodzenia"
                  ["wojewodztwo"] => string(18) "adr_gl_wojewodztwo"
                  ["powiat"] => string(15) "adr_gl_powiat_c"
                  ["kod_pocztowy"] => string(18) "adr_gl_kodpocztowy"
                  ["miejscowość"] => string(13) "adr_gl_miasto"
                  ["ulica"] => string(12) "adr_gl_ulica"
                  ["numer"] => string(12) "adr_gl_dom_c"
                  ["mieszkanie"] => string(19) "adr_gl_mieszkanie_c"
                  ["admin"] => string(14) "utm_campaign_c"
                  ["unregister"] => string(12) "utm_medium_c"
                  ["witryna_rejestracji"] => string(12) "utm_source_c"
                ["predefined_cols"] => array(1) {
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                ["username"] => string(12) "api_neocraft"
                ["password"] => string(32) "Hwn9u@Xz%E#CKK1t7El9nVoGukFbR8tU"
              ["Axcelo"] => array(2) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(20) "AXC_12611_INTERNOVUS"
                ["url"] => string(81) ""
              ["Broholm"] => array(2) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(9) "BRH_13341"
                ["url"] => string(104) ""
              ["Ccig"] => array(2) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(13) "CCIG_11165_01"
                ["webservice"] => array(5) {
                  ["url"] => string(38) ""
                  ["method"] => string(10) "createLead"
                  ["username"] => string(23) "orangeOne_neocraftSpeed"
                  ["password"] => string(10) "neocraft14"
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              ["Ccds"] => array(2) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(4) "CCDS"
                ["webservice"] => array(5) {
                  ["url"] => string(38) ""
                  ["method"] => string(10) "createLead"
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                  ["password"] => string(11) "Hm4m8LPeT73"
                  ["project-id"] => int(52)
              ["Egentic"] => array(2) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(7) "EGENTIC"
                ["url"] => array(5) {
                  ["url"] => string(45) ""
                  ["partner_pk"] => string(3) "214"
                  ["campaign"] => string(4) "253c"
                  ["type"] => string(4) "test"
                  ["sub_id"] => int(666)
              ["Audi"] => array(8) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(14) "CCIG_9928_AUDI"
                ["url"] => string(47) ""
                ["auth"] => string(36) "YXVkLmludGVyZ3JhdGlvbjpRd2VydHkzMjE="
                ["name"] => string(4) "Audi"
                ["templateId"] => int(5883)
                ["packageId"] => int(255)
                ["header"] => array(7) {
                  [0] => string(2) "id"
                  [1] => string(7) "telefon"
                  [2] => string(5) "imię"
                  [3] => string(8) "nazwisko"
                  [4] => string(17) "wybrany samochód"
                  [5] => string(7) "zgoda 1"
                  [6] => string(7) "zgoda 2"
                ["cols"] => array(7) {
                  [0] => string(2) "id"
                  [1] => string(5) "phone"
                  [2] => string(4) "name"
                  [3] => string(7) "surname"
                  [4] => string(3) "ans"
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                  [6] => string(7) "reg_acc"
              ["Ccig10458"] => array(8) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(14) "CCIG_10458_GAZ"
                ["url"] => string(47) ""
                ["auth"] => string(36) "YXVkLmludGVyZ3JhdGlvbjpRd2VydHkzMjE="
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                ["templateId"] => int(6258)
                ["packageId"] => int(267)
                ["header"] => array(11) {
                  [0] => string(14) "numer telefonu"
                  [1] => string(5) "imię"
                  [2] => string(8) "nazwisko"
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                  [5] => string(14) "data urodzenia"
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                  [7] => string(16) "data rejestracji"
                  [8] => string(14) "nazwa konkursu"
                  [9] => string(21) "odpowiedź na pytanie"
                  [10] => string(8) "dostawca"
                ["cols"] => array(11) {
                  [0] => string(9) "mobile_no"
                  [1] => string(4) "name"
                  [2] => string(7) "surname"
                  [3] => string(6) "postal"
                  [4] => string(4) "town"
                  [5] => string(8) "birthday"
                  [6] => string(11) "contest_url"
                  [7] => string(13) "register_date"
                  [8] => string(12) "contest_name"
                  [9] => string(6) "answer"
                  [10] => string(9) "deliverer"
              ["Ccig10468"] => array(8) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(18) "CCIG_10468_SKINDNA"
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                ["auth"] => string(32) "c2tpbmRuYS5sZWFkeTpCYWRhbmllMTIz"
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                ["templateId"] => int(6353)
                ["packageId"] => int(273)
                ["header"] => array(11) {
                  [0] => string(2) "ID"
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                  [2] => string(5) "Imię"
                  [3] => string(8) "Nazwisko"
                  [4] => string(7) "Telefon"
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                  [8] => string(13) "Miejscowość"
                  [9] => string(14) "Data urodzenia"
                  [10] => string(56) "Czy jesteś zainteresowana badaniami genetycznymi skóry"
                ["cols"] => array(11) {
                  [0] => string(2) "ID"
                  [1] => string(9) "Źródło"
                  [2] => string(5) "Imię"
                  [3] => string(8) "Nazwisko"
                  [4] => string(7) "Telefon"
                  [5] => string(11) "Witryna rej"
                  [6] => string(8) "Data rej"
                  [7] => string(12) "Kod pocztowy"
                  [8] => string(13) "Miejscowość"
                  [9] => string(14) "Data urodzenia"
                  [10] => string(7) "ankieta"
              ["Ccig10808"] => array(8) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(13) "CCIG_10808_01"
                ["url"] => string(47) ""
                ["auth"] => string(44) "bmVvYmF6eS5pbnRlZ3JhdGlvbjpOZW9iYXp5MjAxNg=="
                ["name"] => string(55) "Orange Bazy Zewnętrzne B2C NeoCraft Speed Częstochowa"
                ["templateId"] => int(8880)
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                ["header"] => array(12) {
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                  [1] => string(5) "Imię"
                  [2] => string(8) "Nazwisko"
                  [3] => string(7) "Lead id"
                  [4] => string(14) "Data urodzenia"
                  [5] => string(8) "Operator"
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                  [7] => string(7) "Nagroda"
                  [8] => string(31) "Telefon na kartę czy abonament"
                  [9] => string(5) "Adres"
                  [10] => string(12) "Kod pocztowy"
                  [11] => string(6) "Miasto"
                ["cols"] => array(12) {
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                  [1] => string(4) "name"
                  [2] => string(9) "last_name"
                  [3] => string(10) "ID rekordu"
                  [4] => string(8) "birthday"
                  [5] => string(17) "SMSapi - operator"
                  [6] => string(7) "contest"
                  [7] => string(5) "award"
                  [8] => string(26) "phone_card_or_subscription"
                  [9] => string(7) "address"
                  [10] => string(12) "Kod pocztowy"
                  [11] => string(13) "Miejscowość"
              ["Ccig10928"] => array(7) {
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                ["url"] => string(47) ""
                ["auth"] => string(44) "bmVvYmF6eS5pbnRlZ3JhdGlvbjpOZW9iYXp5MjAxNg=="
                ["name"] => string(45) "Orange Bazy Zewnętrzne Neobazy (ZMCIG.00002)"
                ["templateId"] => int(10525)
                ["header"] => array(14) {
                  [0] => string(5) "Imię"
                  [1] => string(8) "Nazwisko"
                  [2] => string(14) "Data urodzenia"
                  [3] => string(5) "Ulica"
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                  [5] => string(12) "Kod pocztowy"
                  [6] => string(25) "Numer telefonu komórkowy"
                  [7] => string(16) "Status operatora"
                  [8] => string(11) "Adres email"
                  [9] => string(19) "Witryna rejestracji"
                  [10] => string(16) "Data rejestracji"
                  [11] => string(7) "Lead id"
                  [12] => string(6) "Oferta"
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                ["cols"] => array(14) {
                  [0] => string(4) "name"
                  [1] => string(9) "last_name"
                  [2] => string(8) "birthday"
                  [3] => string(7) "address"
                  [4] => string(13) "Miejscowość"
                  [5] => string(12) "Kod pocztowy"
                  [6] => string(9) "mobile_no"
                  [7] => string(17) "SMSapi - operator"
                  [8] => string(5) "email"
                  [9] => string(7) "contest"
                  [10] => string(15) "data rejesracji"
                  [11] => string(10) "ID rekordu"
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              ["Emediator"] => array(2) {
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              ["Emediator9820"] => array(2) {
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                  ["url"] => string(25) ""
                  ["key"] => string(32) "cb8b5cbc8e359a9e00706bf5dbe4c914"
                  ["list_name"] => string(24) "Inwestycje Neobaza leads"
              ["Emediator9915"] => array(2) {
                ["export-client-ident"] => string(11) "EME_9915_01"
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                ["cnfNeomailingMailImgEmpty"] => string(72) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftMailing/config/../data/img/empty.gif"
              ["mea"] => array(4) {
                ["hosts"] => array(2) {
                  ["mea1"] => array(4) {
                    ["connection"] => array(4) {
                      ["host"] => string(12) ""
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                    ["adapter"] => array(4) {
                      ["database"] => string(3) "mea"
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                      ["password"] => string(12) "Y69hiU8pmSR2"
                      ["hostname"] => string(12) ""
                    ["mea"] => array(2) {
                      ["mysql"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
                      ["output"] => string(22) "/home/mea/integration/"
                    ["neobazy"] => array(2) {
                      ["table"] => string(9) "mea_db_1_"
                      ["dir"] => string(28) "/home/users/mea-integration/"
                  ["mea2"] => array(4) {
                    ["connection"] => array(4) {
                      ["host"] => string(12) ""
                      ["port"] => int(22)
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                      ["hostname"] => string(12) ""
                    ["mea"] => array(2) {
                      ["mysql"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
                      ["output"] => string(22) "/home/mea/integration/"
                    ["neobazy"] => array(2) {
                      ["table"] => string(9) "mea_db_2_"
                      ["dir"] => string(28) "/home/users/mea-integration/"
                ["url"] => string(27) ""
                ["test_params"] => array(9) {
                  ["var1"] => string(0) ""
                  ["var2"] => string(0) ""
                  ["var3"] => string(0) ""
                  ["int1"] => string(0) ""
                  ["int2"] => string(0) ""
                  ["int3"] => string(0) ""
                  ["email_md5"] => string(7) "%prop9%"
                  ["email"] => string(0) ""
                  ["recordId"] => string(0) ""
                ["stopped_integration_settings"] => array(2) {
                  ["time_interval"] => int(30)
                  ["notification_email"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(24) ""
            ["mea"] => array(4) {
              ["hosts"] => array(2) {
                ["mea1"] => array(4) {
                  ["connection"] => array(4) {
                    ["host"] => string(12) ""
                    ["port"] => int(22)
                    ["pass"] => string(12) "_zr6&WsYGjq4"
                    ["user"] => string(3) "mea"
                  ["adapter"] => array(4) {
                    ["database"] => string(3) "mea"
                    ["username"] => string(3) "mea"
                    ["password"] => string(12) "Y69hiU8pmSR2"
                    ["hostname"] => string(12) ""
                  ["mea"] => array(2) {
                    ["mysql"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
                    ["output"] => string(22) "/home/mea/integration/"
                  ["neobazy"] => array(2) {
                    ["table"] => string(9) "mea_db_1_"
                    ["dir"] => string(28) "/home/users/mea-integration/"
                ["mea2"] => array(4) {
                  ["connection"] => array(4) {
                    ["host"] => string(12) ""
                    ["port"] => int(22)
                    ["pass"] => string(12) "_zr6&WsYGjq4"
                    ["user"] => string(3) "mea"
                  ["adapter"] => array(4) {
                    ["database"] => string(3) "mea"
                    ["username"] => string(3) "mea"
                    ["password"] => string(12) "Y69hiU8pmSR2"
                    ["hostname"] => string(12) ""
                  ["mea"] => array(2) {
                    ["mysql"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
                    ["output"] => string(22) "/home/mea/integration/"
                  ["neobazy"] => array(2) {
                    ["table"] => string(9) "mea_db_2_"
                    ["dir"] => string(28) "/home/users/mea-integration/"
              ["url"] => string(27) ""
              ["test_params"] => array(9) {
                ["var1"] => string(0) ""
                ["var2"] => string(0) ""
                ["var3"] => string(0) ""
                ["int1"] => string(0) ""
                ["int2"] => string(0) ""
                ["int3"] => string(0) ""
                ["email_md5"] => string(7) "%prop9%"
                ["email"] => string(0) ""
                ["recordId"] => string(0) ""
              ["stopped_integration_settings"] => array(2) {
                ["time_interval"] => int(30)
                ["notification_email"] => array(1) {
                  [0] => string(24) ""
            ["mail_client"] => array(4) {
              ["default_port"] => array(2) {
                ["imap"] => int(143)
                ["smtp"] => int(25)
              ["validate_cert"] => bool(false)
              ["attachment_tmp_dir"] => string(74) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftMailClient/config/../data/attachments/"
              ["cid_tmp_dir"] => string(47) "./public/modules/neocraft-mail-client/img-mail/"
            ["office"] => array(2) {
              ["job_application"] => array(2) {
                ["upload_dir"] => string(75) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftOffice/config/../data/job_applications/"
                ["layout_file"] => string(47) "application/job-application-frontend/show.phtml"
              ["job_advert"] => array(1) {
                ["layout_file"] => string(42) "application/job-advert-frontend/show.phtml"
            ["calendar_options"] => array(6) {
              ["privileges"] => array(2) {
                [1] => string(12) "Only preview"
                [2] => string(16) "Preview and edit"
              ["access_type"] => array(2) {
                ["view"] => int(1)
                ["edit"] => int(2)
              ["acc_status"] => array(3) {
                [1] => string(7) "pending"
                [2] => string(7) "overdue"
                [3] => string(7) "history"
              ["default_client_group_label"] => string(15) "Grupa klientów"
              ["remind_intervals"] => array(15) {
                [0] => string(19) "at event start time"
                [5] => string(22) "5 minutes before event"
                [10] => string(23) "10 minutes before event"
                [15] => string(23) "15 minutes before event"
                [30] => string(23) "30 minutes before event"
                [45] => string(23) "45 minutes before event"
                [60] => string(19) "1 hour before event"
                [120] => string(20) "2 hours before event"
                [180] => string(20) "3 hours before event"
                [240] => string(20) "4 hours before event"
                [300] => string(20) "5 hours before event"
                [360] => string(20) "6 hours before event"
                [1440] => string(18) "1 day before event"
                [2880] => string(19) "2 days before event"
                [4320] => string(19) "3 days before event"
              ["order_event_prefix"] => string(20) "Wysyłka zamówienia"
            ["crm"] => array(2) {
              ["crm_customer"] => array(1) {
                ["max_number_of_contact_fields"] => string(1) "3"
              ["external_api_data"] => array(2) {
                ["CeidgXml"] => array(4) {
                  ["AuthToken"] => string(64) "BvTuAG/0N5tThc5cBolADSPuZ/px8Z1DjE7627P3/CiVCuUXusdbL/6ui5V7oJXZ"
                  ["source"] => string(5) "CEIDG"
                  ["url"] => string(88) ""
                  ["data_structure"] => array(7) {
                    ["company_name"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(12) "Company name"
                      ["path"] => array(2) {
                        [0] => string(14) "DanePodstawowe"
                        [1] => string(5) "Firma"
                    ["regon"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(5) "REGON"
                      ["path"] => array(2) {
                        [0] => string(14) "DanePodstawowe"
                        [1] => string(5) "REGON"
                    ["city"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(4) "City"
                      ["path"] => array(3) {
                        [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
                        [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
                        [2] => string(11) "Miejscowosc"
                    ["street"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(6) "Street"
                      ["path"] => array(3) {
                        [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
                        [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
                        [2] => string(5) "Ulica"
                    ["building_no"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(11) "Building no"
                      ["path"] => array(3) {
                        [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
                        [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
                        [2] => string(7) "Budynek"
                    ["apartment_no"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(12) "Apartment no"
                      ["path"] => array(3) {
                        [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
                        [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
                        [2] => string(5) "Lokal"
                    ["postal"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(6) "Postal"
                      ["path"] => array(3) {
                        [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
                        [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
                        [2] => string(11) "KodPocztowy"
                ["GusApi"] => array(5) {
                  ["key"] => string(20) "c68946ba878b4bceb2b4"
                  ["login_url"] => string(86) ""
                  ["search_data_url"] => string(89) ""
                  ["source"] => string(9) "GUS/REGON"
                  ["data_structure"] => array(6) {
                    ["regon"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(5) "REGON"
                      ["field"] => string(5) "Regon"
                    ["city"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(4) "City"
                      ["field"] => string(11) "Miejscowosc"
                    ["street"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(6) "Street"
                      ["field"] => string(5) "Ulica"
                    ["building_no"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(11) "Building no"
                      ["field"] => bool(false)
                    ["apartment_no"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(12) "Apartment no"
                      ["field"] => bool(false)
                    ["postal"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(6) "Postal"
                      ["field"] => string(11) "KodPocztowy"
            ["sales"] => array(10) {
              ["B2B"] => string(260) "Baza adresów mailowych przedsiębiorców i firm administrowana i zarządzana przez NeoCraft zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawnymi dotyczącymi przetwarzania danych i ich bezpieczeństwa. Baza GIODO zarejestrowana w księdze rejestrowej nr: 134665 B2B"
              ["B2C"] => string(180) "Baza osób pełnoletnich gromadzona dzięki konkursom na witrynach internetowych należących do Neocraft Sp. z o.o. Baza GIODO zarejestrowana w księdze rejestrowej nr: 098578 B2C"
              ["seller"] => array(1) {
                ["neocraft"] => array(8) {
                  ["id"] => int(1000)
                  ["address"] => string(51) "NeoCraft sp. z o.o. ul. Oksywska 2a 51-152 Wrocław"
                  ["nip"] => string(13) "894-301-08-61"
                  ["regon"] => string(9) "021394445"
                  ["krs"] => string(10) "0000378707"
                  ["capital"] => string(32) "kapitał zakładowy 20000,00 PLN"
                  ["account"] => string(32) "91 1140 2017 0000 4902 1231 2528"
                  ["logo"] => string(57) "/../../../../../module/NeocraftBase/data/img/neocraft.jpg"
              ["sendBcc"] => array(0) {
              ["sendCc"] => array(0) {
              ["dfm"] => array(6) {
                ["B2B"] => int(16)
                ["B2C"] => int(15)
                ["contractB2B"] => int(16)
                ["contractB2C"] => int(15)
                ["location"] => int(2)
                ["orderTypeMap"] => array(13) {
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                  ["E-mail marketing B2C"] => int(0)
                  ["E-mail marketing B2B (efekt)"] => int(0)
                  ["E-mail marketing B2C (efekt)"] => int(0)
                  ["Kreacja mailingowa B2B"] => int(0)
                  ["Kreacja mailingowa B2C"] => int(0)
                  ["Corejestracja B2C"] => int(1)
                  ["Baza danych B2C"] => int(2)
                  ["Leady B2C"] => int(2)
                  ["Współadministracja danych B2C"] => int(3)
                  ["SMS marketing B2C"] => int(4)
                  ["IVR B2C"] => int(5)
                  ["Wzbogacenie bazy danych B2C"] => int(6)
              ["outdated-order-peroid"] => int(14)
              ["peroid-after-remind"] => int(7)
              ["crm"] => array(1) {
                ["default_payment_date_limit"] => int(7)
              ["order"] => array(1) {
                ["invoice"] => array(5) {
                  ["NeoleadsProduct"] => array(2) {
                    ["string"] => string(6) "%s, %s"
                    ["vars"] => array(2) {
                      [0] => string(4) "name"
                      [1] => string(8) "campagne"
                  ["CoregisterProduct"] => array(2) {
                    ["string"] => string(31) "%s, %s, Termin rozpoczęcia: %s"
                    ["vars"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(4) "name"
                      [1] => string(11) "description"
                      [2] => string(10) "start_date"
                  ["EmailCreationProduct"] => array(2) {
                    ["string"] => string(10) "%s, %s, %s"
                    ["vars"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(4) "name"
                      [1] => string(7) "details"
                      [2] => string(8) "deadline"
                  ["BasicProductClass"] => array(2) {
                    ["string"] => string(10) "%s, %s, %s"
                    ["vars"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(4) "name"
                      [1] => string(7) "details"
                      [2] => string(8) "deadline"
                  ["default"] => array(2) {
                    ["string"] => string(10) "%s, %s, %s"
                    ["vars"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(4) "name"
                      [1] => string(11) "description"
                      [2] => string(8) "deadline"
            ["app_root_path"] => string(21) "/home/html/neobazy82/"
            ["eviction"] => array(6) {
              ["monit_dfm_category"] => int(11)
              ["monit_dfm_location"] => int(5)
              ["trial_dfm_category"] => int(12)
              ["trial_dfm_location"] => int(5)
              ["extra_dfm_category"] => int(13)
              ["extra_dfm_location"] => int(5)
            ["zenddevelopertools"] => array(2) {
              ["profiler"] => array(6) {
                ["enabled"] => bool(true)
                ["strict"] => bool(false)
                ["flush_early"] => bool(false)
                ["cache_dir"] => string(10) "data/cache"
                ["matcher"] => array(0) {
                ["collectors"] => array(0) {
              ["toolbar"] => array(5) {
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                ["entries"] => array(0) {
            ["zfcuser"] => array(5) {
              ["user_entity_class"] => string(23) "NeocraftBase\Model\User"
              ["enable_username"] => bool(true)
              ["auth_adapters"] => array(1) {
                [100] => string(33) "ZfcUser\Authentication\Adapter\Db"
              ["auth_identity_fields"] => array(1) {
                [0] => string(8) "username"
              ["use_redirect_parameter_if_present"] => bool(true)
          ["applicationConfig":protected] => array(2) {
            ["modules"] => array(21) {
              [0] => string(7) "ZfcBase"
              [1] => string(7) "ZfcUser"
              [2] => string(8) "ZfcAdmin"
              [3] => string(12) "NeocraftBase"
              [4] => string(11) "Application"
              [5] => string(22) "NeocraftAdministration"
              [6] => string(11) "NeocraftCms"
              [7] => string(16) "NeocraftAccounts"
              [8] => string(18) "ZendDeveloperTools"
              [9] => string(11) "BjyProfiler"
              [10] => string(11) "NeocraftDfm"
              [11] => string(11) "NeocraftItp"
              [12] => string(14) "NeocraftExport"
              [13] => string(13) "NeocraftOrder"
              [14] => string(15) "NeocraftMailing"
              [15] => string(18) "NeocraftMailClient"
              [16] => string(11) "QuPHPMailer"
              [17] => string(14) "NeocraftOffice"
              [18] => string(16) "NeocraftCalendar"
              [19] => string(11) "NeocraftCrm"
              [20] => string(13) "NeocraftSales"
            ["module_listener_options"] => array(2) {
              ["module_paths"] => array(2) {
                [0] => string(8) "./module"
                [1] => string(8) "./vendor"
              ["config_glob_paths"] => array(1) {
                [0] => string(39) "config/autoload/{,*.}{global,local}.php"
    ["aliases"] => array(2) {
      ["zfcuser_register_form_hydrator"] => string(21) "zfcuser_user_hydrator"
      ["zfcuser_zend_db_adapter"] => string(23) "Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"
  ["controller_plugins"] => array(2) {
    ["factories"] => array(1) {
      ["zfcUserAuthentication"] => string(62) "ZfcUser\Factory\Controller\Plugin\ZfcUserAuthenticationFactory"
    ["invokables"] => array(1) {
      ["headMeta"] => string(43) "NeocraftBase\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\HeadMeta"
  ["view_helpers"] => array(1) {
    ["factories"] => array(3) {
      ["zfcUserDisplayName"] => string(46) "ZfcUser\Factory\View\Helper\DisplayNameFactory"
      ["zfcUserIdentity"] => string(43) "ZfcUser\Factory\View\Helper\IdentityFactory"
      ["zfcUserLoginWidget"] => string(46) "ZfcUser\Factory\View\Helper\LoginWidgetFactory"
  ["router"] => array(2) {
    ["routes"] => array(14) {
      ["zfcuser"] => array(5) {
        ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
        ["priority"] => int(1000)
        ["options"] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(5) "/user"
          ["defaults"] => array(2) {
            ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
            ["action"] => string(5) "index"
        ["may_terminate"] => bool(true)
        ["child_routes"] => array(4) {
          ["login"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(6) "/login"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                ["action"] => string(5) "login"
          ["authenticate"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(13) "/authenticate"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                ["action"] => string(12) "authenticate"
          ["logout"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(7) "/logout"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                ["action"] => string(6) "logout"
          ["register"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(9) "/register"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                ["action"] => string(8) "register"
      ["zfcadmin"] => array(5) {
        ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
        ["options"] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(6) "/admin"
          ["defaults"] => array(2) {
            ["controller"] => string(29) "NeocraftBase\Controller\Admin"
            ["action"] => string(5) "index"
        ["may_terminate"] => bool(true)
        ["priority"] => int(1000)
        ["child_routes"] => array(132) {
          ["index"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(6) "/index"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(29) "NeocraftBase\Controller\Admin"
                ["action"] => string(5) "index"
          ["user"] => array(4) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(5) "/user"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(29) "NeocraftBase\Controller\Admin"
                ["action"] => string(4) "user"
            ["may_terminate"] => bool(true)
            ["child_routes"] => array(7) {
              ["index"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
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                  ["defaults"] => array(1) {
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              ["login"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(18) "/login[/:redirect]"
                  ["defaults"] => array(1) {
                    ["action"] => string(5) "login"
              ["logout"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(7) "/logout"
                  ["defaults"] => array(1) {
                    ["action"] => string(6) "logout"
              ["authenticate"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(25) "/authenticate[/:redirect]"
                  ["defaults"] => array(1) {
                    ["action"] => string(12) "authenticate"
              ["remind"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(15) "/remind[/:hash]"
                  ["defaults"] => array(1) {
                    ["action"] => string(6) "remind"
              ["change-pass"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(18) "/change-pass/:hash"
                  ["defaults"] => array(1) {
                    ["action"] => string(11) "change-pass"
          ["add-shortcut-form"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
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              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(33) "NeocraftBase\Controller\Dashboard"
                ["action"] => string(17) "add-shortcut-form"
          ["add-shortcut"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
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              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(33) "NeocraftBase\Controller\Dashboard"
                ["action"] => string(12) "add-shortcut"
          ["edit-shortcut-form"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(23) "/edit-shortcut-form/:id"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(33) "NeocraftBase\Controller\Dashboard"
                ["action"] => string(18) "edit-shortcut-form"
          ["edit-shortcut"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
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        ["zawody-integration-clean"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(29) "zawodyIntegration clean --id="
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(50) "NeocraftExport\Controller\ZawodyIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(5) "clean"
        ["zawody-integration-smsapi-request"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(37) "zawodyIntegration smsapiRequest --id="
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(50) "NeocraftExport\Controller\ZawodyIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(13) "smsapiRequest"
        ["zawody-integration-smsapi-process"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(37) "zawodyIntegration smsapiProcess --id="
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(50) "NeocraftExport\Controller\ZawodyIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(13) "smsapiProcess"
        ["client-integration"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(28) "clientIntegration [<client>]"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(50) "NeocraftExport\Controller\ClientIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(3) "run"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(25) "notifyStoppedIntegrations"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(50) "NeocraftExport\Controller\ClientIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(25) "notifyStoppedIntegrations"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(34) "clientLPFormIntegration [<client>]"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(56) "NeocraftExport\Controller\ClientLPFormIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(3) "run"
        ["cloud-technologies-integration"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(16) "cloudIntegration"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(73) "NeocraftExport\CloudTechnologiesIntegration\Controller\IntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(4) "sync"
        ["import-exported"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(20) "importExported --id="
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(47) "NeocraftExport\Controller\ImportExportedConsole"
              ["action"] => string(7) "process"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(18) "process-api-buffer"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(42) "NeocraftExport\Controller\ApiBufferConsole"
              ["action"] => string(16) "processApiBuffer"
        ["process-voximplant-campaign"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(33) "process-voximplant-campaign --id="
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(43) "NeocraftExport\Controller\VoxImplantConsole"
              ["action"] => string(15) "processCampaign"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(27) "process-tracking-validation"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(51) "NeocraftExport\Controller\TrackingValidationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(17) "processValidation"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(27) "sms-api-import-file [--id=]"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(45) "NeocraftExport\Controller\SmsApiImportConsole"
              ["action"] => string(16) "smsApiImportFile"
        ["leads-gen-report"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(26) "leads-gen-report [--date=]"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(47) "NeocraftExport\Controller\LeadsGenReportConsole"
              ["action"] => string(17) "sendMonthlyReport"
        ["generate"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
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            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(42) "NeocraftMailing\Controller\GenerateConsole"
              ["action"] => string(8) "generate"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(31) "mailing_send_buffer [--number=]"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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              ["action"] => string(6) "buffer"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(15) "mea-import-data"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(48) "NeocraftMailing\Controller\MeaIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(10) "importData"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(13) "mea-flat-data"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(48) "NeocraftMailing\Controller\MeaIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(8) "flatData"
        ["mea-integration-data"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
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            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(48) "NeocraftMailing\Controller\MeaIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(15) "integrationData"
        ["mea-stopped-integration"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(16) "notifyStoppedMea"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(48) "NeocraftMailing\Controller\MeaIntegrationConsole"
              ["action"] => string(16) "notifyStoppedMea"
        ["mail-link"] => array(1) {
          ["options"] => array(2) {
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            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(45) "NeocraftMailClient\Controller\MailLinkConsole"
              ["action"] => string(17) "processLinkEmails"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
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            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(36) "NeocraftCalendar\Controller\EventCli"
              ["action"] => string(7) "process"
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          ["options"] => array(2) {
            ["route"] => string(20) "remindOutdatedOrders"
            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
              ["controller"] => string(47) "NeocraftSales\Controller\OrderConsoleController"
              ["action"] => string(20) "remindOutdatedOrders"
  ["parameters"] => array(3) {
    ["defaultFrontendUserRole"] => string(13) "user_frontend"
    ["defaultBackendUserRole"] => string(12) "user_backend"
    ["defaultCliPanelUserRole"] => string(14) "user_cli_panel"
  ["DIR_PHOTO"] => string(64) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftBase/config/../../../public/"
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    ["pl"] => string(6) "polish"
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      ["options"] => array(2) {
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          ["element"] => array(1) {
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      ["options"] => array(2) {
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      ["children"] => array(9) {
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            ["type"] => string(8) "Checkbox"
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        ["list_subject"] => array(1) {
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              ["label"] => string(18) "Pokaż pole tematu"
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        ["hidden_subject"] => array(1) {
          ["element"] => array(1) {
            ["options"] => array(1) {
              ["label"] => string(12) "Ukryty temat"
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              ["label"] => string(14) "Wysyłaj email"
          ["description"] => string(109) "Jeśli nie zaznaczono, wiadomość zostanie zapisana tylko w bazie danych (podgląd w module CMS -> Kontakt)."
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          ["options"] => array(1) {
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                ["options"] => array(1) {
                  ["label"] => string(23) "Odbiorcy - kopia ukryta"
        ["subject_client"] => array(2) {
          ["element"] => array(1) {
            ["options"] => array(1) {
              ["label"] => string(22) "Prefix tematu - klient"
          ["description"] => string(105) "Prefix temetu wiadomości wysyłanej do wypełniającego formularz (jeśli zaznaczy odpowiednią opcję)."
        ["subject_neocraft"] => array(2) {
          ["element"] => array(1) {
            ["options"] => array(1) {
              ["label"] => string(24) "Prefix tematu - Neocraft"
          ["description"] => string(73) "Prefix temetu wiadomości wysyłanej na zdefiniowane wyżej adresy email."
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      ["options"] => array(2) {
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          ["element"] => array(2) {
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            ["options"] => array(1) {
              ["label"] => string(34) "Reply-to wiadomości potwierdzenia"
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              ["element"] => array(1) {
                ["options"] => array(1) {
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      ["options"] => array(1) {
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          ["children"] => array(1) {
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                ["options"] => array(1) {
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                ["options"] => array(1) {
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          ["element"] => array(2) {
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            ["options"] => array(2) {
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          ["description"] => string(75) "Kategoria metadanych ustawiana przy dodawaniu powiązanych dokumentów DFM."
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          ["description"] => string(66) "Lokalizacja ustawiana przy dodawaniu powiązanych dokumentów DFM."
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              ["target_element_field"] => array(2) {
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                ["options"] => array(3) {
                  ["table"] => string(9) "user_role"
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                  ["label_col"] => string(7) "role_id"
              ["label"] => string(16) "Role operatorów"
          ["description"] => string(54) "Role użytkowników systemu uznawanych za operatorów."
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          ["options"] => array(1) {
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  ["base"] => array(5) {
    ["data_table"] => array(2) {
      ["filters"] => array(2) {
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        ["footer_2"] => string(130) "*Podstawa zobowiązania: Faktura VAT, Rachunek, Umowa, Nota odsetkowa, Nota księgowa,  Weksel, Uznanie długu, Ugoda, Kara umowna"
      ["en"] => array(7) {
        ["law"] => string(185) "Na podstawie art. 476 Kodeksu cywilnego (Dz. U. z 1964 r. Nr 16, poz. 93, z późn. zmianami) wzywamy do natychmiastowego uregulowania należnej sumy, zgodnie z poniższym zestawieniem."
        ["bank_address_cut1"] => string(62) "Wymienioną sumę prosimy przekazać na nasz rachunek bankowy
        ["bank_address_cut3"] => string(56) " w ciągu 7 dni od daty otrzymania niniejszego wezwania."
        ["booster_1"] => string(219) "W przypadku nieuregulowania wyżej wymienionych należności w wyznaczonym terminie, sprawa zostanie skierowana na drogę postępowania sądowego. Dodatkowo, nastąpi dopisanie dłużnika do Krajowego Rejestru Długów."
        ["booster_2"] => string(436) "Informacje o nieuregulowanych zobowiązaniach, zgodnie z Ustawą o udostępnianiu informacji gospodarczych i wymianie danych gospodarczych  z dnia 9 kwietnia 2010 r. (Dz.U. Nr 81, poz. 530), będą przekazywane do:Krajowego Rejestru Długów Biura Informacji Gospodarczej SA ul. Armii Ludowej 21, 51-214 Wrocław o zadłużeniu upubliczniona będzie w KRD do dnia zapłaty lub do 10 lat od daty dokonania wpisu."
        ["footer"] => string(752) "Umieszczenie informacji o Państwa zobowiązaniach w Krajowym Rejestrze Długów skutkuje ograniczeniem możliwości swobodnego funkcjonowania na rynku konsumenckim lub prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej, nawet do 10 lat. Dłużnicy notowani w KRD napotykają na znaczne utrudnienia w korzystaniu z usług finansowych (kredyty, zakupy ratalne, leasing), telekomunikacyjnych (możliwość kupna telefonu w abonamencie), multimedialnych (telewizja kablowa, szerokopasmowy dostęp do Internetu), wynajmu lokali (mieszkania, biura, magazyny) itp. Banki, firmy leasingowe i pośrednictwa ratalnego, operatorzy telefoniczni, telewizje kablowe i wiele innych firm mogą w takim przypadku odmówić współpracy albo zaoferować ją na gorszych warunkach."
        ["footer_2"] => string(130) "*Podstawa zobowiązania: Faktura VAT, Rachunek, Umowa, Nota odsetkowa, Nota księgowa,  Weksel, Uznanie długu, Ugoda, Kara umowna"
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        ["Liczba zmiennoprzecinkowa"] => string(20) "/^[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)?$/"
        ["Walutowy"] => string(24) "/^[0-9]+(,[0-9]{1,2})?$/"
        ["Data "] => string(32) "/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}$/"
        ["Data i czas"] => string(59) "/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/"
        ["Rok"] => string(12) "/^[0-9]{4}$/"
      ["dfm_metadata_additional_validation_class"] => array(1) {
        ["\NeocraftDfm\MetadataCategoryValidator\Validator\Iban"] => string(4) "Iban"
  ["itp"] => array(3) {
    ["cookieTTL"] => int(43200)
    ["tracking-host"] => string(19) ""
    ["campaign-report-linked-document"] => array(2) {
      ["document-type-id"] => int(5)
      ["document-location-id"] => int(5)
  ["export"] => array(45) {
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    ["criteriors-render-type-namespaces"] => array(3) {
      [0] => string(26) "NeocraftBase\Form\Element\"
      [1] => string(18) "Zend\Form\Element\"
      [2] => string(28) "NeocraftExport\Form\Element\"
    ["criteriors-render-class-map"] => array(5) {
      ["Predefined"] => string(6) "Select"
      ["Block-predefined"] => string(6) "Select"
      ["Placeholder"] => string(19) "NeocraftMultiselect"
      ["Placeholder-number"] => string(6) "Number"
      ["NeocraftMultiSelectClientData"] => string(19) "NeocraftMultiselect"
    ["criteriors_value_max_length"] => int(2500)
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    ["output-files-dir-test"] => string(24) "/home/users/export-test/"
    ["output-files-archive"] => string(27) "/home/users/export-archive/"
    ["app-public-dir"] => string(66) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../../../public/"
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    ["import_optivo"] => array(2) {
      ["columns_composition"] => array(5) {
        ["clicks"] => array(4) {
          [0] => string(9) "mailingId"
          [1] => string(6) "userId"
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          [3] => string(3) "url"
        ["target_map"] => array(5) {
          [0] => string(9) "Unique ID"
          [1] => string(14) "Nazwa mailingu"
          [2] => string(31) "Planowana data wysyłki - start"
          [3] => string(9) "Rekordów"
          [4] => string(19) "Produkt - kategoria"
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        ["ftp_dir"] => string(1) "/"
    ["error_analysis"] => array(1) {
      ["error_count"] => int(19)
    ["data_validation"] => array(1) {
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    ["exp_client"] => array(2) {
      ["ftp_add_script"] => string(56) "/home/neobazy/neobazy82/shell_scripts/"
      ["ftp_edit_script"] => string(57) "/home/neobazy/neobazy82/shell_scripts/"
    ["remintrex_valid_ips"] => array(10) {
      [0] => string(13) ""
      [1] => string(13) ""
      [2] => string(13) ""
      [3] => string(13) ""
      [4] => string(13) ""
      [5] => string(13) ""
      [6] => string(13) ""
      [7] => string(13) ""
      [8] => string(14) ""
      [9] => string(12) ""
    ["remintrex_mail"] => array(1) {
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          ["host"] => string(21) ""
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    ["cloud_technologies_integration"] => array(1) {
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    ["stopped_export_settings"] => array(2) {
      ["notification_email"] => array(2) {
        [0] => string(27) ""
        [1] => string(23) ""
      ["time_interval"] => int(30)
    ["export_execution_tries_number"] => int(3)
    ["export_failed_sleep_time"] => int(1)
    ["export_method"] => array(3) {
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      ["tmp_file_dir"] => string(23) "/home/users/export-tmp/"
      ["keep_tmp_files"] => bool(true)
    ["export_update_date_condition_mode"] => int(1)
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      ["file_path"] => string(63) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/data/import-exported"
      ["clear_invalid_files"] => bool(false)
    ["api_export"] => array(9) {
      ["user_salt"] => string(16) "MuKl9EpEvmDBdZ2Z"
      ["test_user"] => string(7) "neotest"
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      ["error_time_interval"] => int(30)
      ["attemps"] => array(2) {
        ["export"] => array(2) {
          ["max"] => int(5)
          ["next_predictor"] => int(5)
        ["release"] => array(2) {
          ["max"] => int(5)
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      ["curl_timeout"] => int(5)
      ["validate_record"] => array(3) {
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          [0] => string(9) "firstname"
          [1] => string(8) "lastname"
          [2] => string(6) "street"
          [3] => string(11) "building_no"
          [4] => string(12) "apartment_no"
          [5] => string(6) "postal"
          [6] => string(4) "town"
        ["nullable_primary_columns"] => array(2) {
          [0] => string(6) "street"
          [1] => string(12) "apartment_no"
        ["optional_columns"] => array(3) {
          [0] => string(5) "email"
          [1] => string(9) "mobile_no"
          [2] => string(9) "birthdate"
    ["drop_exported"] => array(4) {
      ["max_file_size"] => string(5) "100MB"
      ["upload_path"] => string(72) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/drop-exported/"
      ["max_invalid_msgs"] => int(100)
      ["column_names"] => array(4) {
        [0] => string(20) "id_exp_personal_data"
        [1] => string(5) "email"
        [2] => string(9) "mobile_no"
        [3] => string(9) "export_id"
    ["client_data"] => array(7) {
      ["global_crm_customer_id"] => int(3802)
      ["max_file_size"] => string(5) "100MB"
      ["upload_path"] => string(70) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/client-data/"
      ["max_invalid_msgs"] => int(100)
      ["column_names"] => array(15) {
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        [6] => string(12) "apartment_no"
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        [10] => string(5) "email"
        [11] => string(9) "email_md5"
        [12] => string(9) "mobile_no"
        [13] => string(10) "mobile_md5"
        [14] => string(8) "birthday"
      ["validation_patterns"] => array(15) {
        ["external_id"] => string(0) ""
        ["name"] => string(50) "/[a-zA-ZĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻąćęłńóśźż]{3,}/"
        ["surname"] => string(53) "/[a-zA-ZżŻźŹćĆńŃąĄśŚłŁęĘóÓ\s-]{3,}/"
        ["gender"] => string(9) "/^[M,F]$/"
        ["street"] => string(58) "/[\wZĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻŁąćęłńóśźżł\d\s-\.]{3,}/"
        ["building_no"] => string(0) ""
        ["apartment_no"] => string(0) ""
        ["town"] => string(20) "/[\pL_\s-'’]{3,}/u"
        ["postal"] => string(19) "/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}/"
        ["postal_n"] => string(10) "/[0-9]{5}/"
        ["email"] => string(42) "/^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/"
        ["email_md5"] => string(0) ""
        ["mobile_no"] => string(12) "/^[0-9]{9}$/"
        ["mobile_md5"] => string(0) ""
        ["birthday"] => string(55) "/^[0-9]{4}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$/"
      ["required_columns"] => array(0) {
    ["export_type"] => array(3) {
      ["Z"] => string(5) "Zimne"
      ["L"] => string(5) "Leady"
      ["LD"] => string(20) "Leady - dopełnienie"
    ["reminder"] => array(2) {
      ["sending_days"] => array(3) {
        [0] => int(0)
        [1] => int(7)
        [2] => int(21)
      ["getFromDaysAgo"] => int(1)
    ["export_range"] => array(2) {
      ["constrain_export_id"] => bool(true)
      ["constrain_record_id"] => bool(true)
    ["gen-cost"] => array(2) {
      ["age_type"] => array(3) {
        [0] => string(10) "Przedział"
        [1] => string(5) "Pusty"
        [2] => string(7) "Dowolny"
      ["settling_type"] => array(2) {
        [0] => string(16) "cena jednostkowa"
        [1] => string(16) "koszt całkowity"
    ["data-validation-collation"] => string(16) "utf8_neocraft_ci"
    ["voximplant-api"] => array(4) {
      ["url"] => string(56) ""
      ["params"] => array(2) {
        ["account_id"] => string(7) "3573615"
        ["api_key"] => string(36) "e2c2fa4c-ac66-42bf-bdbf-70180dff20b6"
      ["upload_path"] => string(69) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/voximplant/"
      ["column_names"] => array(11) {
        ["tel_no"] => string(14) "Numer telefonu"
        ["val_s1"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 1"
        ["val_s2"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 2"
        ["val_s3"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 3"
        ["val_s4"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 4"
        ["val_s5"] => string(20) "Wartość tekstowa 5"
        ["val_n1"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 1"
        ["val_n2"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 2"
        ["val_n3"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 3"
        ["val_n4"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 4"
        ["val_n5"] => string(20) "Wartość liczbowa 5"
    ["stats"] => array(2) {
      ["default_lead_n_month_filter_value"] => int(3)
      ["historical_database_start_date"] => string(10) "2022-04-15"
    ["data-validation"] => array(1) {
      ["hidden-hours"] => int(2)
    ["canal-exlusions-mandatory-labels"] => array(2) {
      [0] => string(26) "WYK-KAN: Liczba eksportów"
      [1] => string(40) "WYK-KAN: Wyklucz wyeksportowane w kanale"
    ["tracking_validation"] => array(4) {
      ["hlr_reprocess_time"] => int(365)
      ["max_validate_tries"] => int(3)
      ["max_update_tries"] => int(3)
      ["validation"] => array(1) {
        ["valid_tel_kom"] => array(2) {
          ["function"] => string(14) "checkHlrStatus"
          ["field"] => string(7) "tel_kom"
    ["variantsFields"] => array(2) {
      ["name"] => array(5) {
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        ["originalField"] => string(7) "pd_name"
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        ["tableClass"] => string(38) "NeocraftExport\Model\NameVariantsTable"
        ["form"] => string(45) "NeocraftExport\Form\DataValidationVariantForm"
      ["surname"] => array(5) {
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        ["originalField"] => string(7) "surname"
        ["tableName"] => string(22) "br_pd_surname_variants"
        ["tableClass"] => string(41) "NeocraftExport\Model\SurnameVariantsTable"
        ["form"] => string(52) "NeocraftExport\Form\DataValidationSurnameVariantForm"
    ["clientDataTypes"] => array(4) {
      [1] => string(11) "Wzbogacanie"
      [2] => string(12) "Deduplikacja"
      [3] => string(26) "Oznaczanie zaakceptowanych"
      [4] => string(22) "Oznaczanie odrzuconych"
    ["unregisteredFilePrefix"] => string(3) "unr"
    ["unregisteredDirectoryName"] => string(12) "unregistered"
    ["unregisteredExcludedClients"] => array(1) {
      [0] => string(15) "TAR_7108_01_EXP"
    ["smsapi_reprocess_files"] => array(3) {
      ["max_file_size"] => string(5) "100MB"
      ["upload_path"] => string(71) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/data/smsapi-reprocess-files/"
      ["mobile_no_validation_pattern"] => string(19) "/^[45678][0-9]{8}$/"
    ["smsapi_import_files"] => array(3) {
      ["max_file_size"] => string(5) "100MB"
      ["upload_path"] => string(68) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/data/smsapi-import-files/"
      ["mobile_no_validation_pattern"] => string(19) "/^[45678][0-9]{8}$/"
  ["neobazy"] => array(4) {
    ["integration"] => array(15) {
      ["remote-zawody-host"] => string(12) ""
      ["remote-zawody-ssh-port"] => int(40022)
      ["remote-zawody-login"] => string(8) "neocraft"
      ["remote-zawody-passwd"] => string(8) "rT26YdSe"
      ["remote-zawody-pubkey-file"] => string(0) ""
      ["remote-zawody-privkey-file"] => string(0) ""
      ["remote-zawody-mysql-path"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
      ["remote-zawody-db-database"] => string(6) "zawody"
      ["remote-zawody-db-user"] => string(6) "zawody"
      ["remote-zawody-db-passwd"] => string(12) "CrFJ6S2SP4aZ"
      ["remote-zawody-db-record-table"] => string(30) "pd_export_record_n82preinstall"
      ["local-tmp"] => string(30) "/home/html/neobazy82/data/tmp/"
      ["remote-zawody-tmp"] => string(26) "/var/neocraft/integration/"
      ["remote-zawody-tmp-ftp"] => string(26) "/var/neocraft/integration/"
      ["error-alert-email"] => array(4) {
        [0] => string(27) ""
        [1] => string(27) ""
        [2] => string(24) ""
        [3] => string(23) ""
    ["smsapi"] => array(2) {
      ["username"] => string(7) "Neobazy"
      ["password"] => string(32) "ddefc29e8d2b0a3c80e0ae716193b491"
    ["wrong-emails"] => array(1) {
      ["import-csv-time-limit"] => int(3600)
    ["remote-zawody-db"] => array(4) {
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      ["username"] => string(12) "neobazynossl"
      ["password"] => string(10) "uvM9w7x273"
  ["client-integration"] => array(70) {
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    ["FLife"] => array(2) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(13) "AXC_13291_API"
      ["webservice"] => array(2) {
        ["url"] => string(64) ""
        ["method"] => string(10) "CreateLead"
    ["SmaApi"] => array(7) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(9) "SMA_13802"
      ["url"] => string(53) ""
      ["save-itegration-input-data"] => bool(false)
      ["cols"] => array(14) {
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        ["numer_telefonu"] => string(17) "telefon_komorkowy"
        ["data_urodzenia"] => string(14) "data_urodzenia"
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        ["powiat"] => string(15) "adr_gl_powiat_c"
        ["kod_pocztowy"] => string(18) "adr_gl_kodpocztowy"
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        ["ulica"] => string(12) "adr_gl_ulica"
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      ["predefined_cols"] => array(1) {
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      ["username"] => string(12) "api_neocraft"
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    ["Axcelo"] => array(2) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(20) "AXC_12611_INTERNOVUS"
      ["url"] => string(81) ""
    ["Broholm"] => array(2) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(9) "BRH_13341"
      ["url"] => string(104) ""
    ["Ccig"] => array(2) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(13) "CCIG_11165_01"
      ["webservice"] => array(5) {
        ["url"] => string(38) ""
        ["method"] => string(10) "createLead"
        ["username"] => string(23) "orangeOne_neocraftSpeed"
        ["password"] => string(10) "neocraft14"
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    ["Ccds"] => array(2) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(4) "CCDS"
      ["webservice"] => array(5) {
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        ["project-id"] => int(52)
    ["Egentic"] => array(2) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(7) "EGENTIC"
      ["url"] => array(5) {
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        ["partner_pk"] => string(3) "214"
        ["campaign"] => string(4) "253c"
        ["type"] => string(4) "test"
        ["sub_id"] => int(666)
    ["Audi"] => array(8) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(14) "CCIG_9928_AUDI"
      ["url"] => string(47) ""
      ["auth"] => string(36) "YXVkLmludGVyZ3JhdGlvbjpRd2VydHkzMjE="
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      ["packageId"] => int(255)
      ["header"] => array(7) {
        [0] => string(2) "id"
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        [4] => string(17) "wybrany samochód"
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        [6] => string(7) "zgoda 2"
      ["cols"] => array(7) {
        [0] => string(2) "id"
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      ["export-client-ident"] => string(14) "CCIG_10458_GAZ"
      ["url"] => string(47) ""
      ["auth"] => string(36) "YXVkLmludGVyZ3JhdGlvbjpRd2VydHkzMjE="
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      ["templateId"] => int(6258)
      ["packageId"] => int(267)
      ["header"] => array(11) {
        [0] => string(14) "numer telefonu"
        [1] => string(5) "imię"
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      ["cols"] => array(11) {
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        [1] => string(4) "name"
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        [8] => string(12) "contest_name"
        [9] => string(6) "answer"
        [10] => string(9) "deliverer"
    ["Ccig10468"] => array(8) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(18) "CCIG_10468_SKINDNA"
      ["url"] => string(47) ""
      ["auth"] => string(32) "c2tpbmRuYS5sZWFkeTpCYWRhbmllMTIz"
      ["name"] => string(15) "skindna-NeoBazy"
      ["templateId"] => int(6353)
      ["packageId"] => int(273)
      ["header"] => array(11) {
        [0] => string(2) "ID"
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        [9] => string(14) "Data urodzenia"
        [10] => string(56) "Czy jesteś zainteresowana badaniami genetycznymi skóry"
      ["cols"] => array(11) {
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      ["jar"] => string(108) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/integration/LPFormFill/0010421Link4/formfiller.jar"
      ["timeout"] => string(5) "30000"
    ["Ford"] => array(4) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(13) "FORD_10459_01"
      ["post"] => array(1) {
        ["url_lp"] => string(63) ""
      ["jar"] => string(107) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/integration/LPFormFill/0010459Ford/formfiller.jar"
      ["timeout"] => string(5) "30000"
    ["Bgz"] => array(4) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(12) "BGZ_11150_01"
      ["post"] => array(1) {
        ["url_lp"] => string(63) ""
      ["jar"] => string(106) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/integration/LPFormFill/0011150Bgz/formfiller.jar"
      ["timeout"] => string(4) "5000"
    ["Play"] => array(4) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(11) "P4_11198_FF"
      ["post"] => array(1) {
        ["url_lp"] => string(63) ""
      ["jar"] => string(107) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/integration/LPFormFill/0011198Play/formfiller.jar"
      ["timeout"] => string(4) "5000"
    ["SerwisKredytowy"] => array(5) {
      ["export-client-ident"] => string(15) "SERWISKREDYTOWY"
      ["post"] => array(1) {
        ["url_lp"] => string(62) ""
      ["jar"] => string(118) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftExport/config/../data/integration/LPFormFill/0011172SerwisKredytowy/formfiller.jar"
      ["timeout"] => string(5) "10000"
      ["amount"] => string(5) "30000"
  ["leads-gen-report"] => array(1) {
    ["emails"] => array(3) {
      [0] => string(17) ""
      [1] => string(27) ""
      [2] => string(31) ""
  ["order"] => array(11) {
    ["order_doc_type"] => array(3) {
      [0] => int(2)
      [1] => int(3)
      [2] => int(4)
    ["order_doc_metadata_category_type"] => int(27)
    ["neocraft_dfm_doc_type"] => int(6)
    ["neocraft_dfm_doc_location"] => int(5)
    ["export_default_sort_data_field"] => int(89)
    ["export_default_sort_direction"] => string(4) "DESC"
    ["ident"] => array(2) {
      ["prefix"] => string(4) "ORD_"
      ["pad"] => int(5)
    ["invoice_user_id"] => int(1)
    ["add_data"] => array(1) {
      ["file_dir"] => string(63) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftOrder/config/../data/order/"
    ["salesman"] => array(1) {
      ["fields"] => array(2) {
        ["ignore_duplicates"] => array(2) {
          ["tele"] => string(40) " AND exp_personal_data.dupl_ch_telem = 0"
          ["mobile"] => string(42) " AND exp_personal_data.dupl_ch_mobilem = 0"
        ["allow_duplicates"] => array(2) {
          ["tele"] => string(0) ""
          ["mobile"] => string(0) ""
    ["operatorRoles"] => array(2) {
      [0] => string(15) "operatingworker"
      [1] => string(5) "admin"
  ["mailing"] => array(21) {
    ["smtp_host"] => string(15) ""
    ["smtp_passwd"] => string(11) "cxI5W5TM53!"
    ["smtp_port"] => string(2) "25"
    ["smtp_auth"] => string(1) "1"
    ["smtp_secure"] => string(3) "tls"
    ["smtp_username"] => string(18) ""
    ["from"] => string(18) ""
    ["content_txt"] => string(16) "Test content_TXT"
    ["content_html"] => string(17) "Test content_HTML"
    ["nameContent"] => string(9) "Test name"
    ["nameVocativeContent"] => string(18) "Test vocative name"
    ["surnameContent"] => string(12) "Test surname"
    ["genderContent"] => string(23) "Test kobieta/mężyczna"
    ["subject"] => string(4) "test"
    ["reply_to_name"] => string(0) ""
    ["from_name"] => string(19) "Neocraft sp. z o.o."
    ["path"] => string(62) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftMailing/config/../data/img"
    ["app-public-dir"] => string(67) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftMailing/config/../../../public/"
    ["link"] => array(1) {
      ["host"] => string(19) ""
    ["crypt"] => array(3) {
      ["cnfMailLinkEncryptionA"] => string(97) "asdfwermopasdwqe123SDF345$#%^vasdafs30598va0939;[-09123cnklonklqwexvcmlwkeru239487cv@cw%6cxsCAe,v"
      ["cnfMailLinkEncryptionB"] => string(98) "vmkldkasjdlqi1i2l3ASDZG:;,.!##GX^&%$#F#$%DG#$%#F#sdfnm,vcx098345adfpolq#xfKLAd@59kjacxkeRTwalsdw,p"
      ["cnfNeomailingMailImgEmpty"] => string(72) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftMailing/config/../data/img/empty.gif"
    ["mea"] => array(4) {
      ["hosts"] => array(2) {
        ["mea1"] => array(4) {
          ["connection"] => array(4) {
            ["host"] => string(12) ""
            ["port"] => int(22)
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            ["user"] => string(3) "mea"
          ["adapter"] => array(4) {
            ["database"] => string(3) "mea"
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            ["password"] => string(12) "Y69hiU8pmSR2"
            ["hostname"] => string(12) ""
          ["mea"] => array(2) {
            ["mysql"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
            ["output"] => string(22) "/home/mea/integration/"
          ["neobazy"] => array(2) {
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            ["dir"] => string(28) "/home/users/mea-integration/"
        ["mea2"] => array(4) {
          ["connection"] => array(4) {
            ["host"] => string(12) ""
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            ["hostname"] => string(12) ""
          ["mea"] => array(2) {
            ["mysql"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
            ["output"] => string(22) "/home/mea/integration/"
          ["neobazy"] => array(2) {
            ["table"] => string(9) "mea_db_2_"
            ["dir"] => string(28) "/home/users/mea-integration/"
      ["url"] => string(27) ""
      ["test_params"] => array(9) {
        ["var1"] => string(0) ""
        ["var2"] => string(0) ""
        ["var3"] => string(0) ""
        ["int1"] => string(0) ""
        ["int2"] => string(0) ""
        ["int3"] => string(0) ""
        ["email_md5"] => string(7) "%prop9%"
        ["email"] => string(0) ""
        ["recordId"] => string(0) ""
      ["stopped_integration_settings"] => array(2) {
        ["time_interval"] => int(30)
        ["notification_email"] => array(1) {
          [0] => string(24) ""
  ["mea"] => array(4) {
    ["hosts"] => array(2) {
      ["mea1"] => array(4) {
        ["connection"] => array(4) {
          ["host"] => string(12) ""
          ["port"] => int(22)
          ["pass"] => string(12) "_zr6&WsYGjq4"
          ["user"] => string(3) "mea"
        ["adapter"] => array(4) {
          ["database"] => string(3) "mea"
          ["username"] => string(3) "mea"
          ["password"] => string(12) "Y69hiU8pmSR2"
          ["hostname"] => string(12) ""
        ["mea"] => array(2) {
          ["mysql"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
          ["output"] => string(22) "/home/mea/integration/"
        ["neobazy"] => array(2) {
          ["table"] => string(9) "mea_db_1_"
          ["dir"] => string(28) "/home/users/mea-integration/"
      ["mea2"] => array(4) {
        ["connection"] => array(4) {
          ["host"] => string(12) ""
          ["port"] => int(22)
          ["pass"] => string(12) "_zr6&WsYGjq4"
          ["user"] => string(3) "mea"
        ["adapter"] => array(4) {
          ["database"] => string(3) "mea"
          ["username"] => string(3) "mea"
          ["password"] => string(12) "Y69hiU8pmSR2"
          ["hostname"] => string(12) ""
        ["mea"] => array(2) {
          ["mysql"] => string(14) "/usr/bin/mysql"
          ["output"] => string(22) "/home/mea/integration/"
        ["neobazy"] => array(2) {
          ["table"] => string(9) "mea_db_2_"
          ["dir"] => string(28) "/home/users/mea-integration/"
    ["url"] => string(27) ""
    ["test_params"] => array(9) {
      ["var1"] => string(0) ""
      ["var2"] => string(0) ""
      ["var3"] => string(0) ""
      ["int1"] => string(0) ""
      ["int2"] => string(0) ""
      ["int3"] => string(0) ""
      ["email_md5"] => string(7) "%prop9%"
      ["email"] => string(0) ""
      ["recordId"] => string(0) ""
    ["stopped_integration_settings"] => array(2) {
      ["time_interval"] => int(30)
      ["notification_email"] => array(1) {
        [0] => string(24) ""
  ["mail_client"] => array(4) {
    ["default_port"] => array(2) {
      ["imap"] => int(143)
      ["smtp"] => int(25)
    ["validate_cert"] => bool(false)
    ["attachment_tmp_dir"] => string(74) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftMailClient/config/../data/attachments/"
    ["cid_tmp_dir"] => string(47) "./public/modules/neocraft-mail-client/img-mail/"
  ["office"] => array(2) {
    ["job_application"] => array(2) {
      ["upload_dir"] => string(75) "/home/html/neobazy82/module/NeocraftOffice/config/../data/job_applications/"
      ["layout_file"] => string(47) "application/job-application-frontend/show.phtml"
    ["job_advert"] => array(1) {
      ["layout_file"] => string(42) "application/job-advert-frontend/show.phtml"
  ["calendar_options"] => array(6) {
    ["privileges"] => array(2) {
      [1] => string(12) "Only preview"
      [2] => string(16) "Preview and edit"
    ["access_type"] => array(2) {
      ["view"] => int(1)
      ["edit"] => int(2)
    ["acc_status"] => array(3) {
      [1] => string(7) "pending"
      [2] => string(7) "overdue"
      [3] => string(7) "history"
    ["default_client_group_label"] => string(15) "Grupa klientów"
    ["remind_intervals"] => array(15) {
      [0] => string(19) "at event start time"
      [5] => string(22) "5 minutes before event"
      [10] => string(23) "10 minutes before event"
      [15] => string(23) "15 minutes before event"
      [30] => string(23) "30 minutes before event"
      [45] => string(23) "45 minutes before event"
      [60] => string(19) "1 hour before event"
      [120] => string(20) "2 hours before event"
      [180] => string(20) "3 hours before event"
      [240] => string(20) "4 hours before event"
      [300] => string(20) "5 hours before event"
      [360] => string(20) "6 hours before event"
      [1440] => string(18) "1 day before event"
      [2880] => string(19) "2 days before event"
      [4320] => string(19) "3 days before event"
    ["order_event_prefix"] => string(20) "Wysyłka zamówienia"
  ["crm"] => array(2) {
    ["crm_customer"] => array(1) {
      ["max_number_of_contact_fields"] => string(1) "3"
    ["external_api_data"] => array(2) {
      ["CeidgXml"] => array(4) {
        ["AuthToken"] => string(64) "BvTuAG/0N5tThc5cBolADSPuZ/px8Z1DjE7627P3/CiVCuUXusdbL/6ui5V7oJXZ"
        ["source"] => string(5) "CEIDG"
        ["url"] => string(88) ""
        ["data_structure"] => array(7) {
          ["company_name"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(12) "Company name"
            ["path"] => array(2) {
              [0] => string(14) "DanePodstawowe"
              [1] => string(5) "Firma"
          ["regon"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(5) "REGON"
            ["path"] => array(2) {
              [0] => string(14) "DanePodstawowe"
              [1] => string(5) "REGON"
          ["city"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(4) "City"
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              [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
              [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
              [2] => string(11) "Miejscowosc"
          ["street"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(6) "Street"
            ["path"] => array(3) {
              [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
              [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
              [2] => string(5) "Ulica"
          ["building_no"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(11) "Building no"
            ["path"] => array(3) {
              [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
              [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
              [2] => string(7) "Budynek"
          ["apartment_no"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(12) "Apartment no"
            ["path"] => array(3) {
              [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
              [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
              [2] => string(5) "Lokal"
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            ["label"] => string(6) "Postal"
            ["path"] => array(3) {
              [0] => string(12) "DaneAdresowe"
              [1] => string(43) "AdresGlownegoMiejscaWykonywaniaDzialalnosci"
              [2] => string(11) "KodPocztowy"
      ["GusApi"] => array(5) {
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        ["login_url"] => string(86) ""
        ["search_data_url"] => string(89) ""
        ["source"] => string(9) "GUS/REGON"
        ["data_structure"] => array(6) {
          ["regon"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(5) "REGON"
            ["field"] => string(5) "Regon"
          ["city"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(4) "City"
            ["field"] => string(11) "Miejscowosc"
          ["street"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(6) "Street"
            ["field"] => string(5) "Ulica"
          ["building_no"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(11) "Building no"
            ["field"] => bool(false)
          ["apartment_no"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(12) "Apartment no"
            ["field"] => bool(false)
          ["postal"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(6) "Postal"
            ["field"] => string(11) "KodPocztowy"
  ["sales"] => array(10) {
    ["B2B"] => string(260) "Baza adresów mailowych przedsiębiorców i firm administrowana i zarządzana przez NeoCraft zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawnymi dotyczącymi przetwarzania danych i ich bezpieczeństwa. Baza GIODO zarejestrowana w księdze rejestrowej nr: 134665 B2B"
    ["B2C"] => string(180) "Baza osób pełnoletnich gromadzona dzięki konkursom na witrynach internetowych należących do Neocraft Sp. z o.o. Baza GIODO zarejestrowana w księdze rejestrowej nr: 098578 B2C"
    ["seller"] => array(1) {
      ["neocraft"] => array(8) {
        ["id"] => int(1000)
        ["address"] => string(51) "NeoCraft sp. z o.o. ul. Oksywska 2a 51-152 Wrocław"
        ["nip"] => string(13) "894-301-08-61"
        ["regon"] => string(9) "021394445"
        ["krs"] => string(10) "0000378707"
        ["capital"] => string(32) "kapitał zakładowy 20000,00 PLN"
        ["account"] => string(32) "91 1140 2017 0000 4902 1231 2528"
        ["logo"] => string(57) "/../../../../../module/NeocraftBase/data/img/neocraft.jpg"
    ["sendBcc"] => array(0) {
    ["sendCc"] => array(0) {
    ["dfm"] => array(6) {
      ["B2B"] => int(16)
      ["B2C"] => int(15)
      ["contractB2B"] => int(16)
      ["contractB2C"] => int(15)
      ["location"] => int(2)
      ["orderTypeMap"] => array(13) {
        ["E-mail marketing B2B"] => int(0)
        ["E-mail marketing B2C"] => int(0)
        ["E-mail marketing B2B (efekt)"] => int(0)
        ["E-mail marketing B2C (efekt)"] => int(0)
        ["Kreacja mailingowa B2B"] => int(0)
        ["Kreacja mailingowa B2C"] => int(0)
        ["Corejestracja B2C"] => int(1)
        ["Baza danych B2C"] => int(2)
        ["Leady B2C"] => int(2)
        ["Współadministracja danych B2C"] => int(3)
        ["SMS marketing B2C"] => int(4)
        ["IVR B2C"] => int(5)
        ["Wzbogacenie bazy danych B2C"] => int(6)
    ["outdated-order-peroid"] => int(14)
    ["peroid-after-remind"] => int(7)
    ["crm"] => array(1) {
      ["default_payment_date_limit"] => int(7)
    ["order"] => array(1) {
      ["invoice"] => array(5) {
        ["NeoleadsProduct"] => array(2) {
          ["string"] => string(6) "%s, %s"
          ["vars"] => array(2) {
            [0] => string(4) "name"
            [1] => string(8) "campagne"
        ["CoregisterProduct"] => array(2) {
          ["string"] => string(31) "%s, %s, Termin rozpoczęcia: %s"
          ["vars"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(4) "name"
            [1] => string(11) "description"
            [2] => string(10) "start_date"
        ["EmailCreationProduct"] => array(2) {
          ["string"] => string(10) "%s, %s, %s"
          ["vars"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(4) "name"
            [1] => string(7) "details"
            [2] => string(8) "deadline"
        ["BasicProductClass"] => array(2) {
          ["string"] => string(10) "%s, %s, %s"
          ["vars"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(4) "name"
            [1] => string(7) "details"
            [2] => string(8) "deadline"
        ["default"] => array(2) {
          ["string"] => string(10) "%s, %s, %s"
          ["vars"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(4) "name"
            [1] => string(11) "description"
            [2] => string(8) "deadline"
  ["app_root_path"] => string(21) "/home/html/neobazy82/"
  ["eviction"] => array(6) {
    ["monit_dfm_category"] => int(11)
    ["monit_dfm_location"] => int(5)
    ["trial_dfm_category"] => int(12)
    ["trial_dfm_location"] => int(5)
    ["extra_dfm_category"] => int(13)
    ["extra_dfm_location"] => int(5)
  ["zenddevelopertools"] => array(2) {
    ["profiler"] => array(6) {
      ["enabled"] => bool(true)
      ["strict"] => bool(false)
      ["flush_early"] => bool(false)
      ["cache_dir"] => string(10) "data/cache"
      ["matcher"] => array(0) {
      ["collectors"] => array(0) {
    ["toolbar"] => array(5) {
      ["enabled"] => bool(true)
      ["auto_hide"] => bool(false)
      ["position"] => string(6) "bottom"
      ["version_check"] => bool(true)
      ["entries"] => array(0) {
  ["zfcuser"] => array(5) {
    ["user_entity_class"] => string(23) "NeocraftBase\Model\User"
    ["enable_username"] => bool(true)
    ["auth_adapters"] => array(1) {
      [100] => string(33) "ZfcUser\Authentication\Adapter\Db"
    ["auth_identity_fields"] => array(1) {
      [0] => string(8) "username"
    ["use_redirect_parameter_if_present"] => bool(true)
Application Config ApplicationConfig
Application Config (ApplicationConfig)
array(2) {
  ["modules"] => array(21) {
    [0] => string(7) "ZfcBase"
    [1] => string(7) "ZfcUser"
    [2] => string(8) "ZfcAdmin"
    [3] => string(12) "NeocraftBase"
    [4] => string(11) "Application"
    [5] => string(22) "NeocraftAdministration"
    [6] => string(11) "NeocraftCms"
    [7] => string(16) "NeocraftAccounts"
    [8] => string(18) "ZendDeveloperTools"
    [9] => string(11) "BjyProfiler"
    [10] => string(11) "NeocraftDfm"
    [11] => string(11) "NeocraftItp"
    [12] => string(14) "NeocraftExport"
    [13] => string(13) "NeocraftOrder"
    [14] => string(15) "NeocraftMailing"
    [15] => string(18) "NeocraftMailClient"
    [16] => string(11) "QuPHPMailer"
    [17] => string(14) "NeocraftOffice"
    [18] => string(16) "NeocraftCalendar"
    [19] => string(11) "NeocraftCrm"
    [20] => string(13) "NeocraftSales"
  ["module_listener_options"] => array(2) {
    ["module_paths"] => array(2) {
      [0] => string(8) "./module"
      [1] => string(8) "./vendor"
    ["config_glob_paths"] => array(1) {
      [0] => string(39) "config/autoload/{,*.}{global,local}.php"
Database (Zend\Db) 5 in 3.28 ms
Quantity create 0 read 5 update 0 delete 0 Time create 0 s read 3.28 ms update 0 s delete 0 s Query Profiles
SQL SELECT `menu`.*, `menu_item`.* FROM `menu` INNER JOIN `menu_item` ON `menu`.`id` = `menu_item`.`menu_id` WHERE `menu`.`identifier` = 'admin_menu' AND `locale` = 'pl' ORDER BY `position` ASC Params where1 => 'admin_menu'
where2 => 'pl'
Time 1.54 ms
SQL SELECT `user_role`.* FROM `user_role` ORDER BY `priority` ASC Time 356.91 µs
SQL SELECT `menu`.* FROM `menu` Time 170.95 µs
SQL SELECT `user`.`username` AS `username`, `user_role_linker`.`role_id` AS `role_id`, `user_role`.* FROM `user` INNER JOIN `user_role_linker` ON `user`.`user_id` = `user_role_linker`.`user_id` INNER JOIN `user_role` ON `user_role`.`role_id` = `user_role_linker`.`role_id` ORDER BY `username` ASC, `priority` ASC Time 798.94 µs
SQL SELECT `bse_acl`.* FROM `bse_acl` ORDER BY `order` ASC Time 422.00 µs